In an effort to simplify our lives and hence reduce stress, it is important to determine what clutters our lives. When we can do this, we can start clearing the clutter; learn to say no to temptations and then see a simpler life unfold.
Many people wonder how I can live without a microwave. Fair question as most people are unable to cook three times a day. I cook every few days and I place meals in containers. When I need to I use my stove to heat up the meal. I however, am incapable of eating the same meal three times and I loathe the concept of frozen food. So simple decision for me
Another item that I can certainly live without is a dryer. I can't understand why people who live in the tropics need a dryer. It takes an hour, tops, to dry clothes on a line. And nothing beats the scent of fresh air-dried clothes. Maybe except for cut grass.
What can you live without?