Friday, January 22, 2010

Conserving Water

There are so many interesting looking watering cans out there, they compel you to fill them and water your plants. Don't deluge them with the hose! Besides most plants require watering at the base, not the leaves as this may cause rotting. The watering can gives you control over this plus the amount of water that you use.

The dry season in upon us, let's get us some nice watering cans and start watering!

1 comment:

  1. another water conservation technique is to mulch the roots of the plant with leaves or with coconut husk / shell . i'm told using the plant's own leaves are best, rather than mixing the leaves of different plants. its a great way to get rid of those leaves that drop, and recycle orgainic matter and nutrients.

    in the rainy season, my mum also 'catches' rain-water in a small drum to water her plans. she says it less polluted (that is debatable depending on which city you are in, though i think we few caribbean cities have a smog or potential acid rain problem) and is a great way of reducing on water consumption. however this only works if you have quite a few plants to water, since you don't want to have containers of standing water hanging around your house !
