Monday, February 22, 2010

Mindful Eating

As someone who has been a yoga practitioner for a long time, one of the lessons I have been grappling with is mindfulness. How do I translate this to mindful eating? One of the major changes I have made is eating more local food. I have learnt to love going to the market and seeing what's in season, what's fresh. Meals are now planned based on what is available, not whatever tickles my fancy. And when eating, be mindful. Enjoy every mouthful. Eat just enough, be guided by your senses. If it does not look right or smell right, it probably is not right. Cook more, buy out less. Do not waste food. Mix-and-match. Buy a great, plate. Make sure it is small, small plates make you eat less (try it, it really works!). Get great, heavy cutlery. Have different crockery for different meals. Hey, why don't you have special Sunday cutlery and crockery?

And finally, breakfast is the most important meal. During the week, we tend to rush right past it. I am guilty of this as well. But make up for this during the weekend. Have fresh fruit, omelettes with fresh vegetables, home made bread, organic coffee. Bon Appetit!

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